This is a short update of the current status of the Antibodypedia initiative.

Antibodypedia Update

12th HUPO World Congress

In September Antibodypedia attended the 12th Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) World Congress in Yokohama, Japan. The conference highlighted the technological advances in proteomics and this years theme was "The Evolution of Technology in Proteomics".

Antibodypedia was represented with a poster and had the opportunity to give a presentation in one of the Human Proteome Project (HPP) sessions. The HPP is an international project with three pillars; Mass Spectrometry, Antibodies, and the Knowledgbase. The Human Antibody Initiative (HAI) contributes to the Antibody pillar and HAI aims to promote and facilitate the use of antibodies for proteomic resarch. The Human Protein Atlas and Antibodypedia together make up the two parts of HAI.

All together it was very successful meeting with over 1500 participants, many interesting talks, and lots of networking.

We have been celebrating..!

In the middle of October Antibodypedia passed one million antibodies!

We are very happy to announce that we now list more than one million antibodies that are scored and ranked, covering 91% of the human genome. In addition we catalogue close to half a million validations, and over one hundred thousands references.

We will continue our work to improve the antibody listings at Antibodypedia.

Please, don’t hesitate to give us feedback. Contact us on if you have any questions or thoughts on how we can improve our service to you.

Your help makes possible our continued improvement. Thanks for your collaboration with Antibodypedia.


Tove Alm

Curator Antibodypedia

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