
antibody from Invitrogen Antibodies
Targeting: IL20RB DIRS1, FNDC6, IL-20R2, MGC34923
Provider product page for 14-1206-37

Antibody data

Product number
14-1206-37 - Provider product page
Invitrogen Antibodies
Product name
IL-20RB Monoclonal Antibody (20RNTC), eBioscience™
Antibody type
Description: This 20RNTC monoclonal antibody recognizes mouse and human IL-20R2 (interleukin-20 receptor 2, IL-20Rb) in either of its two heterodimeric complexes formed by pairing with IL-20R1 or IL-22R1. IL-20R2 belongs to the class II cytokine receptor family that shares a characteristic pattern of cysteine, proline and tryptophan residues in the extracellular domain. IL-20R2 paired with IL-20R1 forms a receptor that binds IL-20, IL-19, or IL-24. IL-20R2 paired with IL22R1 forms a receptor that binds IL-20 or IL-24. The IL-20R complex signals primarily via the JAK-STAT pathway. IL-20R2 is found predominantly on cells of epithelial origin such as gut and skin and can be upregulated during inflammation. Immunofluorescent staining of A375 cells reveals a punctate staining pattern at the cell membrane, as well as diffuse, cytoplasmic staining that is likely associated with protein synthesis and transport in the endoplasmic reticulum and golgi.
Antibody clone number
0.5 mg/mL
IL20RB protein structure - 14-1206-37 shown in red.