
antibody from RayBiotech, Inc.
Targeting: CD79A IGA, MB-1
Provider product page for 130-10035B-50

Antibody data

Product number
130-10035B-50 - Provider product page
RayBiotech, Inc.
Product name
Rabbit Anti-Human CD79a/IGA [+Biotin]
Antibody type
Synthetic peptide derived from Human CD79? .
CD79 (Cluster of Differentiation 79) is a transmembrane protein that forms a complex with the B-cell receptor (BCR) and generates a signal following recognition of antigen by the BCR. CD79 is composed of two distinct chains called CD79A and CD79B (formerly known as Ig-alpha and Ig-beta); these form a heterodimer on the surface of a B cell stabilized by disulfide bonding. CD79? and CD79b are both members of the immunoglobulin superfamily. Human CD79? is encoded by the mb-1 gene that is located on chromosome 19, and CD79b is encoded by the B29 gene that located on chromosome 17.Both CD79 chains contain an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) in their intracellular tails that they use to propagate a signal in a B cell, in a similar manner to CD3 generated signal tranduction observed during T cell receptor activation on T cells. This antibody was produced from a rabbit immunized with the immunogen. The IgG fraction was purified from rabbit serum by ammonium sulphate precipitation followed by Protein A/G affinity chromatography.
Antigen sequence
This antibody was produced from a r
abbit immunized with the immunogen.
The IgG fraction was purified from
rabbit serum by ammonium sulphate
precipitation followed by Protein A
/G affinity chromatography.
Vial size
50 µg
Supplied as lyophilized and purified antibody originally containing PBS, without Preservative Stabilizers, such as Sodium Azide. The final concentration is indicated on the shipping vial. The antibody is stable for at least years from the data of receipt when stored at -20°C to -70°C. Reconstituted antibody (suggesting with sterile PBS) can also be aliquotted and stored frozen at -20°C to -70°C in a manual defrost freezer for months without detectable loss activity. Upon reconstitution, the antibody can also be stored over months at 4°C. Please avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
CD79A protein structure - 130-10035B-50 shown in red.