
antibody from Invitrogen Antibodies
Targeting: MYH7B dJ756N5.1, KIAA1512, MHC14, MYH14
Provider product page for MA1-26180

Antibody data

Product number
MA1-26180 - Provider product page
Invitrogen Antibodies
Product name
Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain Monoclonal Antibody (3-48)
Antibody type
Purifed from natural sources
This antibody is myosin alpha and beta heavy chain specific. Affinity constants: Human ventricular myosin heavy chains - 3.33 x 108M-1; Human atrial myosin heavy chains - 1.48 x 108M-1; Human skeletal muscle myosin - 1.06 x 108M-1; Canine cardiac myosin heavy chains - 2.06 x 108M-1. This antibody cross-reacts with heavy chains of human myosin isolated from slow skeletal muscle, fast skeletal muscle, eye muscle, and streptococcal M5 peptide. It does not react with human platelets, smooth muscle myosin heavy chains, myosin light chains, myosin fragments circulating in blood of patients with myocardial infarction, nor does it react with any other human tissue antigens or blood cells.
Antibody clone number
1 mg/mL
MYH7B protein structure - MA1-26180 shown in red.