
antibody from Leading Biology
Targeting: ATR FRP1, MEC1, SCKL, SCKL1
Provider product page for APR00189G
Western blot

Antibody data

Product number
APR00189G - Provider product page
Leading Biology
Product name
ATR Antibody
Antibody type
ATR (ATM and Rad3 related) is closely related to ATM (Ataxia telangiectasia, mutated) and is a member of the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI-3) family that is an early sensor of DNA damage. ATR is a serine-threonine kinase that reacts to UV damage and interruptions in replication. ATR may be able to sense DNA damage through interaction with Rad17 and 1as well as components of nucleosome remodeling complexes. In response to DNA damage, ATR has been shown to phosphorylate a multitude of substrates which include BRCA1, p53, Chk2, Rad 17, and E2F transcription factor 1.
Human, Mouse
Store at +4°C short term. For long-term storage, aliquot and store at -20°C or below. Stable for 12 months at -20°C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
ATR protein structure - APR00189G shown in red.