
antibody from RayBiotech, Inc.
Targeting: GHRH GHRF
Provider product page for 130-10081-100

Antibody data

Product number
130-10081-100 - Provider product page
RayBiotech, Inc.
Product name
Rabbit anti-Human GHRF
Antibody type
Synthetic peptide derived from Human GHRF.
GHRH first appears in the human hypothalamus between 18 and 29 weeks of gestation, which corresponds to the start of production of growth hormone and other somatotropes in fetuses. GHRH is released from neurosecretory nerve terminals of these arcuate neurons, and is carried by the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system to the anterior pituitary gland where it stimulates growth hormone (GH) secretion by stimulating the growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor. GHRH is released in a pulsatile manner, stimulating similar pulsatile release of GH. In addition, GHRH also promotes slow-wave sleep directly. Growth hormone is required for normal postnatal growth, bone growth, regulatory effects on protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism. GHRH stimulates GH production and release by binding to the GHRH Receptor (GHRHR) on cells in the anterior pituitary. This antibody was produced from a rabbit immunized with the immunogen. The IgG fraction was purified from rabbit serum followed by Protein A/G affinity chromatography.
Antigen sequence
This antibody was produced from a r
abbit immunized with the immunogen.
The IgG fraction was purified from
rabbit serum followed by Protein A
/G affinity chromatography.
Vial size
100 µg
Supplied as lyophilized and purified antibody originally containing PBS, without Preservative Stabilizers, such as Sodium Azide. Final concentration is indicated on the shipping vial. The antibody is stable for at least years from the data of receipt when stored at -20°C to -70°C. Reconstituted antibody (suggesting with sterile PBS) can also be aliquotted and stored frozen at -20°C to -70°C in a manual defrost freezer for months without detectable loss activity. Upon reconstitution, the antibody can also be stored over months at 4°C. Please avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
GHRH protein structure - 130-10081-100 shown in red.