
antibody from Creative Diagnostics
Targeting: PSMA1 HC2, MGC14542, MGC14575, MGC14751, MGC1667, MGC21459, MGC22853, MGC23915, NU, PROS30
Provider product page for DPABH-02386
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Product number
DPABH-02386 - Provider product page
Creative Diagnostics
Proper citation
Creative Diagnostics Cat#DPABH-02386, RRID:AB_2507967
Product name
Rabbit Anti-Human PSMA1 Polyclonal Antibody
Antibody type
This gene is a member of the host cell factor family and encodes a protein with five Kelch repeats, a fibronectin-like motif, and six HCF repeats, each of which contains a highly specific cleavage signal. This nuclear coactivator is proteolytically cleaved at one of the six possible sites, resulting in the creation of an N-terminal chain and the corresponding C-terminal chain. The final form of this protein consists of noncovalently bound N- and C-terminal chains. The protein is involved in control of the cell cycle and transcriptional regulation during herpes simplex virus infection. Alternatively spliced variants which encode different protein isoforms have been described
PSMA1 protein structure - DPABH-02386 shown in red.