
antibody from Invitrogen Antibodies
Targeting: CXCL8 3-10C, AMCF-I, b-ENAP, GCP-1, GCP1, IL-8, IL8, K60, LECT, LUCT, LYNAP, MDNCF, MONAP, NAF, NAP-1, NAP1, SCYB8, TSG-1
Provider product page for 48-8088-41

Antibody data

Product number
48-8088-41 - Provider product page
Invitrogen Antibodies
Product name
IL-8 (1-77) (CXCL8) Monoclonal Antibody (8CH), eFluor™ 450, eBioscience™
Antibody type
Recombinant full-length protein
Description: This 8CH monoclonal antibody reacts with human IL-8 (CXCL8), a pro-inflammatory CXC chemokine. It is synthesized as a 99 amino acid precursor protein that is further processed into one of four isoforms, with the most common being 72 or 77 amino acids in length. IL-8(77) is secreted primarily by endothelial cells and is thought to be a less potent neutrophil activator than the other forms. It is present at high levels during fetal development, where it mediates angiogenesis rather than inflammation. The predominant form present in adults is IL-8(72), which is expressed by monocytes, macrophages, epithelial cells, and fibroblasts in response to inflammatory stimuli, environmental stress, and steroid hormones. IL-8(72) is essential for the activation and recruitment of neutrophils to sites of inflammation, and has also been found to influence T cell migration. Signaling occurs through the G-protein coupled receptors CXCR1 or CXCR2. IL-8 transcripts are often upregulated in tumors, and it is associated with tumor angiogenesis and metastasis.
Antibody clone number
5 µL/Test
CXCL8 protein structure - 48-8088-41 shown in red.