
antibody from RayBiotech, Inc.
Targeting: NPPB
Provider product page for 130-10043-200

Antibody data

Product number
130-10043-200 - Provider product page
RayBiotech, Inc.
Proper citation
RayBiotech Cat#130-10043-200, RRID:AB_11219414
Product name
Rabbit Anti-Human pro-BNP (NPPB)
Antibody type
Human expressed proBNP long peptide(76 Amino acid of N-terminal fragment).
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a polypeptide of 134-amino acids comprised of a 26-amino acid signal peptide (Met1-Ser26), a 76-amino acid N-terminal fragment (NT-proBNP) (His27-Arg102), and a 32-amino acid mature polypeptide of brain natriuretic peptide 32 (BNP-32)(Ser103-His134). BNP-32 is secreted by the ventricles of the heart in response to excessive stretching of heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes). BNP-32 is cosecreted along with NT-proBNP which is biologically inactive. Both BNP-32 and NT-proBNP markers are used for screening, diagnosis of acute congestive heart failure (CHF). The plasma concentrations of both BNP and NTproBNP are also typically increased in patients with asymptomatic/symptomatic left ventricular dysfunction. This antibody was produced from a rabbit immunized with the immunogen. The IgG fraction was purified from rabbit serum by ammonium sulphate precipitation, and followed by Protein A/G affinity chromatography
Antigen sequence
This antibody was produced from a r
abbit immunized with the immunogen.
The IgG fraction was purified from
rabbit serum by ammonium sulphate
precipitation, and followed by Prot
ein A/G affinity chromatography
Vial size
200 µg
Supplied as lyophilized and purified antibody originally containing PBS, without Preservative Stabilizers, such as Sodium Azide. The final concentration is indicated on the shipping vial. The antibody is stable for at least years from the data of receipt when stored at -20°C to -70°C. Reconstituted antibody (suggesting with sterile PBS) can also be aliquotted and stored frozen at -20°C to -70°C in a manual defrost freezer for months without detectable loss activity. Upon reconstitution, the antibody can also be stored over months at 4°C. Please avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
NPPB protein structure - 130-10043-200 shown in red.