
antibody from Creative Diagnostics
Targeting: CBFB PEBP2B
Provider product page for DPABH-08372
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Antibody data

Product number
DPABH-08372 - Provider product page
Creative Diagnostics
Proper citation
Creative Diagnostics Cat#DPABH-08372, RRID:AB_2522581
Product name
Rabbit Anti-Human CBFB Polyclonal antibody
Antibody type
The protein encoded by this gene is the beta subunit of a heterodimeric core-binding transcription factor belonging to the PEBP2/CBF transcription factor family which master-regulates a host of genes specific to hematopoiesis (e.g., RUNX1) and osteogenesis (e.g., RUNX2). The beta subunit is a non-DNA binding regulatory subunit
CBFB protein structure - DPABH-08372 shown in red.