
antibody from Creative Diagnostics
Targeting: LRWD1 CENP-33, DKFZp434K1815, ORCA
Provider product page for CABT-B1860
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Antibody data

Product number
CABT-B1860 - Provider product page
Creative Diagnostics
Product name
Anti-LRWD1 polyclonal antibody
Antibody type
Leucine-rich repeat and WD repeat-containing protein 1, also known as, ORC-associated protein or ORCA or Origin recognition complex-associated protein, and encoded by the gene name(s), LRWD1 or ORCA, is associated component of the origin recognition complex (orc required to recruit and stabilize the orc complex to chromatin). Probably required for the association of orc on chromatin during g1 to establish pre-replication complex (prerc and to heterochromatic sites in post-replicated cells). Binds a combination of dna and histone methylation repressive marks on heterochromatin: binds histone h3 and h4 trimethylation marks h3k9me3
LRWD1 protein structure - CABT-B1860 shown in red.