Antibody data

Product number
14-9764-80 - Provider product page
Invitrogen Antibodies
Product name
Progesterone Receptor Monoclonal Antibody (KMC912), eBioscience™
Antibody type
Description: This KMC912 monoclonal antibody reacts with human progesterone receptor (PgR, PR), a member of a superfamily of nuclear receptors that are ligand-dependent transcriptional regulators. The human PgR exists in alpha and beta forms, 94 kDa and 120 kDa respectively. In most human cells, the alpha and beta forms are expressed at similar levels and predominately form heterodimers. Progestin binding to PgR causes a conformational change, allowing dissociation of bound chaperone proteins and subsequent dimerization with either PgRa or PgRb. Following activation, dimerized PgR can directly bind to DNA through progestin response elements (PRE) leading to chromatin remodeling and subsequent downregulation or transcription of the target gene.The PgR plays a key role in controlling gene expression in breast, uterine, brain, and cardiovascular tissue during development. The presence of the PgR in breast tissue is indicative of improved survival and a better response to endocrine therapy. In breast and endometrial cancer progression, a predominance of either the alpha or beta form occurs, suggesting disregulation in the PgRa:PgRb ratio is an early event in cancer. In cases of ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma, there is predominance of the alpha form while in uterine cancer a loss of either form is common.
Antibody clone number
0.5 mg/mL
PGR protein structure - 14-9764-80 shown in red.