antibody from Creative Diagnostics
Targeting: RORC NR1F3, RORG, RZRG, TOR
Provider product page for CABT-L974
No application information provided.

Antibody data

Product number
CABT-L974 - Provider product page
Creative Diagnostics
Product name
Mouse Anti human RORC monoclonal antibody, clone 5H520
Antibody type
ROR gamma (Nuclear receptor ROR-gamma), also called RORC and NR1F3, is a member of the NR1 nuclear hormone receptor family. ROR gamma is a DNA binding transcription factor. ROR gamma is 518 amino acids (aa) in length. Deletion in mice implicates ROR gamma as being essential for lymphoid organogenesis and controlling apoptosis during thymopoiesis. Two splice forms differing in the first 24 aa have been found for this gene
RORC protein structure - CABT-L974 shown in red.