
antibody from Creative Diagnostics
Targeting: GLIPR1 GliPR, RTVP1
Provider product page for CABT-B10332
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Antibody data

Product number
CABT-B10332 - Provider product page
Creative Diagnostics
Product name
Mouse anti-Human GLIPR1 monoclonal antibody, clone 9E0
Antibody type
This gene encodes a protein with similarity to both the pathogenesis-related protein (PR) superfamily and the cysteine-rich secretory protein (CRISP) family. Increased expression of this gene is associated with myelomocytic differentiation in macrophage and decreased expression of this gene through gene methylation is associated with prostate cancer. The protein has proapoptotic activities in prostate and bladder cancer cells. This gene is a member of a cluster on chromosome 12 containing two other similar genes. Alternatively spliced variants which encode different protein isoforms have been described
GLIPR1 protein structure - CABT-B10332 shown in red.