
antibody from Novus Biologicals
Targeting: BID
Provider product page for NB100-56106

Antibody data

Product number
NB100-56106 - Provider product page
Novus Biologicals
Proper citation
Novus Cat#NB100-56106, RRID:AB_2065641
Product name
Rabbit Polyclonal BID Antibody
Antibody type
Unpurified. Full-length Bid is known to undergo cleavage/truncation (reviewed in Yin, 2006). Bid was initially found to be cleaved and activated by capspase-8 following death receptor activation. The term "Bid" was first used to described the caspase-8 cleaved/truncated C-terminal Bid. Bid can be also cleaved by other proteases such as Granzyme B, calpains and cathepsin. The C-terminal portion is considered to be the active Bid moiety. This active form can translocate from the cytosol to the mitochondria. Therefore, the appearance of Bid in the mitochondria is considered to be an indication of active Bid. However, it should also be noted that Bid has been shown to translocate to the mitochondria without cleavage in some model systems. The proteolytic cleavage of Bid usually occurs in the unstructured loop region between the alpha 2 and alpha 3 helices, which is between amino acids (aa) 41 and 79 of Bid. For example, the caspase-8/3 cleavage site is at 60 (human) and 59 (mouse). It should be noted that after cleavage, the smaller N-terminal portion of Bid is not necessarily separated from the larger C-terminal portion. The exact size of the C-terminal cleavage products depends on the Bid cleavage sites
Human, Mouse, Rat, Canine
Vial size
0.05 ml
Store at 4C short term. Aliquot and store at -20C long term. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
BID protein structure - NB100-56106 shown in red.