
antibody from antibodies-online
Targeting: ATP11C ATPIG, ATPIQ
Provider product page for ABIN457938
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Antibody data

Product number
ABIN457938 - Provider product page
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Antibodies-Online Cat#ABIN457938, RRID:AB_10801908
Product name
anti-Ig (Joining Chain) antibody
Antibody type
Human J chain is a polypeptide folded within the polymeric structure of the immunoglobulin. J chain isolated form human polymeric IgA and IgM are identical by criteria of composition, peptide maps and antigenicity. Human J chain has been established as distinct from all other component chains of polymeric IgA and IgM. It has a unique primary structure. Antisera to light chains or heavy chains of human Immunoglobulins do not react with J chain. J chain is released from dimeric human myeloma IgA by sulphitolysis and purified by ion exchange chromatography in urea and gel filtration in guanidine. Its purity is tested in alkaline urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis, showing it to be free of IgA, heavy or light chain contaminants. Freund€™s complete adjuvant is used in the first step of the immunization procedure.
Vial size
0.5 ml
Total protein and IgG concentrations in the antiserum are comparable to those of pooled normal rabbit serum. No foreign proteins added. Antibody titre: Precipitin titre 1:32 when tested in agar-block immunodiffusion titration against a 1% solution of puri
Lyophilised at +4°C (10 years), reconstituted at or below -20°C (3-5 years), reconstituted at +4°C at least 7 days
ATP11C protein structure - ABIN457938 shown in red.