
antibody from Creative Diagnostics
Targeting: SCN2A HBSCI, HBSCII, Nav1.2, SCN2A1, SCN2A2
Provider product page for CABT-B8397
No application information provided.

Antibody data

Product number
CABT-B8397 - Provider product page
Creative Diagnostics
Product name
Anti-SCN2A (aa30-43) polyclonal antibody
Antibody type
Voltage-gated sodium channels are transmembrane glycoprotein complexes composed of a large alpha subunit with 24 transmembrane domains and one or more regulatory beta subunits. They are responsible for the generation and propagation of action potentials in neurons and muscle. This gene encodes one member of the sodium channel alpha subunit gene family. It is heterogeneously expressed in the brain
SCN2A protein structure - CABT-B8397 shown in red.