
antibody from antibodies-online
Targeting: F9 FIX
Provider product page for ABIN458123
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Antibody data

Product number
ABIN458123 - Provider product page
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Antibodies-Online Cat#ABIN458123, RRID:AB_10781248
Product name
anti-Coagulation Factor IX (F9) antibody
Antibody type
Factor IX is a vitamin K-dependent glycoprotein, MW 55,400, and it consists of a single polypeptide chain. It is synthesized in the liver, stable for several days in fresh blood and for many months in fresh frozen plasma. It can be prepared as a stable concentrate. Its physicochemical properties are similar to those of several other clotting factors, which makes separation particularly difficult. Factor IX is converted to FIXa by FXIa in the presence of calcium ions. Platelets possess FXI-like activity, bypassing FXII an XI. FIXa has a molecular weight of 46,500 and is composed of two chains linked by disulphide bonds. For immunization purposes, FIX can be obtained n highly purified form from fresh plasma concentrates. After coagulation, FIX antigen is also present in serum. Abnormal molecular variants are defective in proteolytic activation and serine protease activity, while calcium binding is also impaired. Freund€™s complete adjuvant is used in the first step of the immunization procedure.
Vial size
1 ml
Total protein and IgG concentrations in the antiserum are comparable to those of pooled normal rabbit serum. No foreign proteins added. Antibody titre: Precipitin titre not less than 1:32 when tested against appropriate concentrations of the antigen in ag
Lyophilised at +4°C (10 years), reconstituted at or below -20°C (3-5 years), reconstituted at +4°C at least 7 days
F9 protein structure - ABIN458123 shown in red.