
antibody from antibodies-online
Targeting: PPARG NR1C3, PPARG1, PPARG2, PPARgamma
Provider product page for ABIN117929
Western blot

Antibody data

Product number
ABIN117929 - Provider product page
Product name
anti-Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma (PPARG) antibody
Antibody type
Immunoaffinity chromatography.
Antigen sequence
Peptide sequence: M-G-E-D-K-I-K-F-K
-H-I-T-P-L Protein Sequence: Human
PPAR gamma isoform 1, 475 aa, predi
cted MW 54.4 kDa 1 mvdtempfwp tnfg
issvdl svmedhshsf dikpfttvdf ssi
stphyed ipftrtdpvv 61 adykydlklq
eyqsaikvep asppyysekt qlynkpheep
snslmaiecr vcgdkasgfh 121 ygvha
cegck gffrrtirlk liydrcdlnc rihk
ksrnkc qycrfqkcla vgmshnairf 181
grmpqaekek llaeissdid qlnpesadlr
alakhlydsy iksfpltkak arailtgkt
t 241 dkspfviydm nslmmgedki kfkh
itplqe qskevairif qgcqfrsvea vqe
iteyaks 301 ipgfvnldln dqvtllkygv
heiiytmlas lmnkdgvlis egqgfmtre
f lkslrkpfgd 361 fmepkfefav kfna
leldds dlaifiavii lsgdrpglln vkp
iediqdn llqalelqlk 421 lnhpessqlf
akllqkmtdl rqivtehvql lqvikktet
d mslhpllqei ykdly Protein Sequen
ce: Human PPAR gamma isoform 2, 505
aa, predicted MW 57.6 kDa 1 mgetlg
dspi dpesdsftdt lsanisqemt mvdte
mpfwp tnfgissvdl svmedhshsf 61 d
ikpfttvdf ssistphyed ipftrtdpvv
adykydlklq eyqsaikvep asppyysekt
121 qlynkpheep snslmaiecr vcgdka
sgfh ygvhacegck gffrrtirlk liydr
cdlnc 181 rihkksrnkc qycrfqkcla
vgmshnairf grmpqaekek llaeissdid
qlnpesadlr 241 alakhlydsy iksfpl
tkak arailtgktt dkspfviydm nslmm
gedki kfkhitplqe 301 qskevairif
qgcqfrsvea vqeiteyaks ipgfvnldln
dqvtllkygv heiiytmlas 361 lmnkdg
vlis egqgfmtref lkslrkpfgd fmepk
fefav kfnaleldds dlaifiavii 421
lsgdrpglln vkpiediqdn llqalelqlk
lnhpessqlf akllqkmtdl rqivtehvql
481 lqvikktetd mslhpllqei ykdly
Vial size
0.1 mg
Store vial at -20°C prior to opening. Aliquot contents and freeze at -20°C or below for extended storage. Centrifuge product if not completely clear after standing at room temperature. This product is stable for one month at 2-8°C as an undiluted liquid.
Dilute only prior to immediate use. Avoid cycles of freezing and thawing.
PPARG protein structure - ABIN117929 shown in red.