
antibody from Invitrogen Antibodies
Targeting: LCP2 SLP-76, SLP76
Provider product page for 17-9037-42

Antibody data

Product number
17-9037-42 - Provider product page
Invitrogen Antibodies
Product name
Phospho-SLP-76 (Tyr128) Monoclonal Antibody (HNDZ55), APC, eBioscience™
Antibody type
Description: This HNDZ55 monoclonal antibody recognizes human SH2 domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kD (SLP-76) when phosphorylated on tyrosine 128 (Y128). SLP-76 is phosphorylated by ZAP-70 downstream of the T cell receptor (TCR). SLP-76 contains an acidic region that includes a PEST domain, several tyrosine residues that are phosphorylated following TCR ligation, a proline-rich domain, and an SH2 domain. Numerous proteins associate with SLP-76 including Vav1, GADS, and PLC gamma 1, supporting the notion that SLP-76 functions as a critical adaptor protein downstream of the TCR. SLP-76-deficient T cell lines or mice deficient in SLP-76 have shown that SLP-76 plays a positive role in promoting T cell development and activation as well as mast cell and platelet function.
Antibody clone number
5 µL/Test
LCP2 protein structure - 17-9037-42 shown in red.