antibody from Creative Biolabs
Targeting: CLU APOJ, CLI, CLU1, CLU2, KUB1, SGP-2, SP-40, TRPM-2
Provider product page for AFC-168CL
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Antibody data

Product number
AFC-168CL - Provider product page
Creative Biolabs
Product name
Afuco? Anti-Human CLU ADCC Recombinant Antibody (AB-16B5), ADCC Enhanced
Antibody type
Anti-CLU ADCC Enhanced Antibody (AB-16B5) is an ADCC enhanced antibody produced by our Afuco? platform. This is a humanized IgG2 antibody against an EMT-inducing form of secreted clusterin (sCLU). AB-16B5 very efficiently blocks EMT and pre-clinical data indicate that animals xenografted with various carcinoma cells show an increase of response to standard of care chemotherapy as well as a reduction of invasion.
¡Ý1 year at -20¡ãC. If the reconstituted antibody cannot be used within two weeks, it should be aliquoted into smaller vials and stored at -20¡ãC
CLU protein structure - AFC-168CL shown in red.