
antibody from antibodies-online
Targeting: TTR CTS, CTS1, HsT2651, PALB
Provider product page for ABIN458186
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Antibody data

Product number
ABIN458186 - Provider product page
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Antibodies-Online Cat#ABIN458186, RRID:AB_10780605
Product name
anti-Transthyretin (TTR) antibody
Antibody type
Transthyretin is the fastest protein in the immunoelectrophoresis pattern of human serum. It consists of four identical polypeptide chins with no carbohydrate. The molecular weight is 55,000 and the concentration in normal serum ranges from 100 to 400 μ g/ml. It can bind thyroxine and retinal and its concentration is reduced in severe liver diseases. Freund?s complete adjuvant is used in the first step of the immunization procedure.
Adsorption: Immunoaffinity adsorbed using insolubilized antigens as required, to eliminate antibodies reacting with other human serum proteins. The use of insolubilized adsorption antigens prevents the presence of excess adsorbent protein or immune complexes in the antiserum.
Vial size
1 mL
Total protein and IgG concentrations in the antiserum are comparable to those of normal pooled swine serum. No foreign proteins added. Antibody titre: Precipitin titre not less than 1:64 when tested against normal human plasma in agar-block immunodiffusio
The lyophilized antiserum is shipped at ambient temperature and may be stored at +4°C, prolonged storage at or below -20°C. Reconstitute the lyophilized antiserum by add ing 1 ml sterile distilled water. Dilutions may be prepared by adding phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.2). Repeated thawing and freezing should be avoided. If a slight precipitation occurs upon storage, this should be removed by centrifugation. It will not affect the performance of the antiserum. Diluted antiserum should be stored at +4°C, not ref rozen, and preferably used the same day.
TTR protein structure - ABIN458186 shown in red.