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Ataxin 1
ATX1, D6S504E, SCA1 
The autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCA) are a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disorders characterized by progressive degeneration of the cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord. Clinically, ADCA has been divided into three groups: ADCA types I-III. ADCAI is genetically heterogeneous, with five genetic loci, designated spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, being assigned to five different chromosomes. ADCAII, which always presents with retinal degeneration (SCA7), and ADCAIII often referred to as the `pure' cerebellar syndrome (SCA5), are most likely homogeneous disorders. Several SCA genes have been cloned and shown to contain CAG repeats in their coding regions. ADCA is caused by the expansion of the CAG repeats, producing an elongated polyglutamine tract in the corresponding protein. The expanded repeats are variable in size and unstable, usually increasing in size when transmitted to successive generations. The function of the ataxins is not known. This locus has been mapped to chromosome 6, and it has been determined that the diseased allele contains 40-83 CAG repeats, compared to 6-39 in the normal allele, and is associated with spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1). Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants, with one variant encoding multiple distinct proteins, ATXN1 and Alt-ATXN1, due to the use of overlapping alternate reading frames. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2017]
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884 antibodies from 43 providers.

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or Cancel
283 antibodies
13 antibodies
10 antibodies
Novus Biologicals
40 antibodies
Invitrogen Antibodies
33 antibodies
Acris Antibodies GmbH
8 antibodies
Boster Biological Technology
5 antibodies
Abnova Corporation
4 antibodies
St John's Laboratory
6 antibodies
78 antibodies
Cusabio Biotech Co., Ltd
6 antibodies
Affinity Biosciences
3 antibodies
NSJ Bioreagents
3 antibodies
Antibodies Incorporated / NeuroMab
6 antibodies
Aviva Systems Biology
4 antibodies
NovoPro Bioscience Inc.
3 antibodies
5 antibodies
Bioworld Technology, Inc
1 antibody
QED Bioscience
2 antibodies
Abbkine Scientific Co.Ltd.
2 antibodies
Bethyl Laboratories
2 antibodies
UC Davis/NIH NeuroMab Facility
6 antibodies
32 antibodies
Creative Diagnostics
4 antibodies
Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc.
33 antibodies
Creative Biolabs
20 antibodies
Atlas Antibodies
2 antibodies
15 antibodies
Leading Biology
5 antibodies
4 antibodies
Signalway Antibody LLC
1 antibody
Absolute Antibody
6 antibodies
United States Biological
64 antibodies
Everest Biotech
2 antibodies
RayBiotech, Inc.
2 antibodies
Abiocode, Inc.
1 antibody
Cell Signaling Technology, Inc
1 antibody
Proteintech Group
1 antibody
MilliporeSigma / Merck KGaA
3 antibodies
1 antibody
EMD Millipore
1 antibody