- The Universal Protein Resource
- Ensembl database
- The Swissprot protein knowledgebase
- The Vega genome browser
- The NCBI Entrez gene browser
- The Stanford Source for gene data
- The HUPO Antibody Initiative (HAI)
- The Human Protein Atlas
- PRoteomics IDEntifications Database (PRIDE)
- ENCODE: The ENCyclopedia of DNA Elements
- modENCODE: The Model Organism ENCyclopedia of DNA Elements
- The Roadmap Epigenomics Project
- Peptide Atlas
- National Cancer Institute: Office of clinical cancer proteomics research
- National Cancer Institute: Clinical proteomic technologies for cancer
- The Plasma Proteome Institute
- PTMfunc: A database of PTM functional predictions
- Biobanking Analysis Resource Catalogue
- The Allen Brain Atlas
- The VISTA Enhancer Browser
- neXtProt